Tracking changes
“Track changes “ is a feature that allows Writer users to keep track of the changes that they or other user make a document as well as the comments of users. All the changes are recorded and are visualized in order to ease the review of the document. Changes can accept or reject by the user. This feature is especially important for those who use Writer in the Workgroups.
Steps for tracking Changes in LibreOffice Writer-
1)) To start recording changes open the document to be edit and choose Edit menu>>Track changes and then choose Record.
2)) Now start making your changes. You will note that all new text passage that you enter are underling in the colors while all text that you delete remains visible but is crossed out and show in color.
3)) To see the changes applied in the Libre office writer after track changes recording. Go to edit menu > track changes ---> Select Manage
4)) The manage changes dialog box appears., you will see a reference to the type of change, the author, date and time of day for the change.
5)) Select the change on the list tab.
6)) The changes is selected and displayed in the document and you can now enter your decision with one of the buttons.
7)) You can enter a comment on each recorded changes by placing the cursor in the area of the change and then choosing Edit-Track Changes-comment.
8)) Choose edit- track changes –record to stop recording changes. The check mark is removed and you can now save the document now.
9)) You can highlight all lines that you have changed with an additional color marking.