Insert page break, line break and column break in MS Word

Page Break-

Page break are the places in document where one page would end and a new page would begin. Page breaks appear as dotted lines in Draft and Print layout views. When you want to force page break, you can insert manual page break.  

To insert manual page break, do this
  1.  Move the insertion point to where you want to place the break.
  2. Click the Insert tab and choose Page command. Click down arrow key and choose Page Break or press Ctrl+Enter shortcut key from keyboard.

Paragraph break-
This is used to skip a line and start a new paragraph below existing paragraph. Press Enter key to insert a Paragraph break.

Line Break-
This is used to start a new line of text immediately below existing text. Press Shift+Enter key

Column Break-
column break option start a new column by default word document is written into a single column. We can insert more than one column in the document.

To insert manual column break, do this
  1. To apply column break in word document, first click on Page layout tab. 
  2. Click on column option and choose more columns and number of column which you want, it is appear on horizontal Ruler.
  3. By default insertion point is in first column and to break column click on Breaks option and choose Column 
  4. You see the cursor move on next column.


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